Join us this week as we

Walk in Gather in Shine

The Light of Christ

At Bethlehem Lutheran Church, we believe that Christ has called us to gather and walk together in his marvelous light, so that we can be a beacon in and for the world 

Welcome to Bethlehem Lutheran Church

As a Lutheran Church we have a unique confidence that our sins are our forgiven, a certainty in Biblical truth, and a boldness to share our faith in the world. We are committed to keeping the main thing the “main thing” – Christ, crucified for our sins and raised for our salvation. 


We love living life together around God’s Word and his gifts, and passing God’s wisdom from generation to generation. We gather together for worship, for Bible studies, for Sunday School, for service, and for fellowship! We’d love to hear where you’re at in the faith and connect you to God through his Word. We invite you to follow Christ with us! 

8:00, 10:30, & 10:45 AM on Sunday | 6:30 PM on Monday

What to Expect in Worship

The center of our life together is worship, when we gather together to receive God’s gifts through His Word and Sacraments. But we don’t stay there! Sunday prepares us for Monday, for the challenges and joys of the daily life of faith.

Find service times, directions, and everything else you need to know about our traditional and contemporary services when visiting us for the first time by clicking the button below.

The Church looks like the family of GOd

You Have a Place with Christ

Our multi-generational congregation loves sharing life together around God’s Word. No matter what age or stage of life you’re in, we invite you to walk together in the light of Christ!

Children and Youth Ministry

Young Adult Ministry

Women's Ministry


What's Going on at Bethlehem?

We are a vibrant, active community of faith, so there’s always something going on at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, from Bible Classes, Fellowship Opportunities, and Service projects! Here are just a few upcoming events.

Worship Services
Wednesday, March 12
Check back later for more events!

"Faith comes by hearing, and hearing through the Word of Christ" - Romans 10:17

Latest Sermon

Every week, we proclaim Christ Crucified – the Good news that Jesus Christ died for your sins and rose for your salvation. There’s no sound sweeter to our ears than the gospel!

Our Team

We’re here to serve you and serve Christ! Learn more about our pastors, our Director of Christian Education, and our other staff members

Still Have Questions?

We’re glad to tell you more about who we are! If you have more questions our beliefs, our ministries, or ways to get connected, reach out to us!